Smallriders is finally online
Few month ago I was telling you about a short film made by two of my Chico Chica Boumba uber talented coworkers.
Smallriders, Chloe Blocktaels and Joan Delmont’s short film is finally online and I am loving the final product.
The short was finished in Octobre and we have had to wait a loooong time but this was really well worth it. Joan is not interested in 3d anymore but I would love to see this as an animated feature or a TV series. The animation is really good and the character designs are very appealing. Ah I should also congratulate Benjamin Meyer who was in charge of the rendering or he will kick my butt 😉
Really nice work guys, you can be really proud of it!
Related posts:
Smallriders, first teaser
Chico Chica Boumba pilot
Back from Angouleme
That is just superb, I love it. I love when the says OUHHH! and when she almost looses balance while standing on one hand! absolutely great!
I found the sequence where she loses her boot not very clear but yeah, it is great isn’t it?
Great style, supercute characters and cool renders. Makes me hungry for more.
That was brilliant. I wish it was longer…(thats a positive by the way)
yes Wesley, it works as it is but the character are so appealing that we want to see them more. Hopefully this will lead to a TV series and maybe a feature! 😉