Monthly Archive: March 2011



I don’t have much time those days to keep this blog updated or even do any animation work so in the meantime, here is a video some Gobelins students did during an internship last year. I am finding this very refreshing. I shall be back with more educational material in three weeks.


Mike Walling walkthrough…. with a moustache 0

Mike Walling walkthrough…. with a moustache

Mike Walling sent me an email a while back but I forgot to post it 🙁 Here it is

“Hey Olivier, can you do me a favor and post a comment saying a big thank you from me to everybody who left comments or may have purchased the walk through? I can’t stress how thank full I am that people are getting something out of what I did. For me the walk through was a trial run for some bigger stuff I am working on and in fact I have a new walk through in progress that will cover advanced body mechanics, thought process, basic acting choices, constraints, graph editor work flow, better explanation on how I polish and camera cuts. I think this will be a really fun walk through and since nobody bought just part one or part two I’m going to make it just one purchase but two downloads to keep the file sizes a bit smaller. Anyway I wanted to give you a shout out for the support, it means a lot and I love seeing people out there that are passionate about what it is well do. So keep at it”

My french speaking readers might have a pleasant surprise in few weeks but I don’t want to say more for the moment 😉
Et je vais avoir une petite surprise pour mes lecteurs francais dans quelques semaines mais je ne veux pas en dire plus pour l’instant 😉

Related post:
Mike Walling walkthrough

Kung Fu Panda 2, trailer 2 3

Kung Fu Panda 2, trailer 2



and something I just found. A top french modeler took one of Nico Marlet undone designs and modeled a nasty croco. Actually, judging by the colour scheme, it could be a good guy.

I have a fascination for cartoony crocos I have to say. We have a pretty cool one in the show I am working on (sorry can’t show) but his facial rig doesn’t allow for broad expressions. I will have to investigate how to rig cartoony beaks and long jaw one of those days. Ah for the story, Michel Guillemain is now at Dreamworks LA on … Kung Fu Panda 2 😉


ah some interesting links. Yes I have the bad feeling they only took the first story and put a 2 at the end, in the line of the Die Hard series, hopefully it is not just the overcoming of a new enemy.
on writing for Kung Fu Panda
Nicolas Marlet interview

Madagascar carnet de voyage 0

Madagascar carnet de voyage

If you still haven’t seen any images from my buddy’s Babass Oscar nominated short film “Madagascar, carnet de voyage”, here is an extract I just found on Vimeo


The shortfilm is a very nice mix of water colours and camera mapped 3d effects.

I am sad he didn’t win the Oscar but the competition was just too strong. Not bad for a second short film though.