Chico Chica Boumba

It is really annoying when for NDA reason your only showreel is a very old one that doesn’t reflect your current skills but it is even more annoying when you realise that you kept sending your old showreel despite the NDA being lifted month ago!

A year ago, I got to work on a really exciting pilot for a french TV series with a bunch of seriously talented artists. Chico Chica Boumba is a 52×3’30mins produced by Angouleme based studio “2minutes” and directed by “Intervalists” Cédric Babouche.

Working on that pilot was a bit of a shock at first, with all those squash and stretch, smeared frames, the style of animation was radically different from anything I had done before and the pace was so much faster but having some very experienced french TV animators working with me made the experience a lot easier. The show is very funny, the songs and voice over very catchy but more than anything it has that french visual flair I was hoping to be part of one day.

Without further due here is the pilot for Chico Chica Boumba, sorry I only have the french version. There has been a bit of editing on my shots and I will post the original ones later on.

Ah by the way, the first season is in full production and I am back in Angouleme to finish it.

Related post:
Back from Angouleme
Chico Chica Boumba teaser

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6 Responses

  1. Karim says:

    Wooo M’sieur Ladou!

    tu bosses sur quoi en ce moment?

    Cheers lad.

  2. Henk says:

    Good to see you`re working for TV again.
    Btw, this is a bit of a long question so feel free to answer as you see fit, but, how do you move about so much?

    Meaning, do you keep a “pied a terre” in france where you have some of your stuff. Or did you basicly do away with most things and just settle in furnished appartements or…

  3. Karim! Ton prof de Boxe Thai est completement taré 🙂

    Henk, I kept my “pied a terre” in the Midlands while waiting to get a stable job. In the meantime I rent flats where ever I go. Kind of crazy but you got to do what you got to do 😉

    (the tax man is understanding so that helps)

  4. Karim says:

    Hahaha! t’as qui? Sako? P’tit Jean ? Fabien ?
    Passe leur le bonjour de ma part!

  1. December 23, 2010

    […] post: Chico Chica Boumba pilot Back from […]

  2. May 12, 2011

    […] posts: Smallriders, first teaser Chico Chica Boumba pilot Back from […]

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