Josh Burton’s Morphy rig

Animation Mentor students got a very sweet surprise this summer with the release of Bishop 2.0 but if you are not part of those privileged animators don’t despair! Squirrely Rig’s creator, Josh Burton, is working on a very very promising character, Morphy, Josh Burton’s morpheus rig.

If you have never heard about it, let me embed some very impressive videos that will certainly make your mouth salivate!


This is seriously impressive I must say and it is amazing how much the rigs keeps its appeal despite the crazy amount of transformation.

I did a very quick test as a tribute to my friends who just wrapped Megamind and I am very pleased with what I was able to achieve in only few minutes.

Great job Josh!

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3 Responses

  1. Matt says:

    Hey Olivier, thanks for sharing.. this rig looks so good! would you recommend using him for a test shot right now, or wait for the final one? i messed around with him a bit and it looks good to go.. cheers !

  2. I don’t see what could go wrong with it. Josh posted a more recent version on his blog yesterday

  1. August 2, 2011

    […] good rig such as the freely available Norman or Morpheus, despite the collapsing geometry for specific closed mouth shapes, should allow you to handle those […]

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