iAnimate, Jason Ryan interview

A school were all the teachers are full time animators working at Dreamworks. Live instructor critique. Sounds pretty exciting doesn’t it?

Speaking of Animation just posted an interview with iAnimate creator Jason Ryan.


If I were to study animation nowadays, I wouldn’t know where to go! It will take a long time before iAnimate’s community reaches Animation Mentor’s size but the facts that all the mentors come from one of the top feature animation studio and are all still employed is definitely a big plus. Also, people with experience can already start in the advance classes without having to start from the very basics.

Rig wise, I am not keen on the Boris rig at all but I have heard that a top rigger would provide iAnimate with a much more interesting one and it is also possible to use a rig like Norman.

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4 Responses

  1. Henk says:

    Could use moom instead of thats allowed. Its no bishop but probably the most fun rig i`ve ever worked with.

  2. Henk says:

    Could use moom instead if thats allowed. Its no bishop but probably the most fun rig i`ve ever worked with.

  1. November 24, 2010

    […] Related posts: So you want to be a rigger huh? Who is Jason Ryan Jason Ryan “Speaking of Animation” interview […]

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