“Monstre à Paris” short video clip

Ah ah! I just found a very short clip from “Monstre à Paris” on Zalex’s lighting showreel! 😉

This is Vanessa Paradis’ character singing.

[update]this post is gaining a lot of popularity those days so I would like to point the readers to an older post with an other clip from the movie

http://www.olivier-ladeuix.com/blog/2009/07/05/monstre-a-paris-short-clip/ .

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Monstre à Paris short clip

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2 Responses

  1. RreEMmyY says:

    the project is allmost finish, a friend told me that the film is in render/compositing in bruxelles. Because at the begining the film must be finnish in 2009. but there was a lot of “magouille” on this project and i can talk about it…

  2. yes it has been a very long time since the production started on it, I still remember Eric Bergeron presenting it at Annecy in 2007 and 2008 😉 I am glad it is finally over and we will finally be able to see the movie very soon. Hopefully it will do as well as “Despicable Me” and bring plenty of keyframe animation work to France and Europe

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