Fredricksen house part 02

Here is where I am today. Only spent one hour on this. The weather was way too nice to stay home today.

I mainly worked on the windows and some detailing work. I added some basic colours and did a quick mental ray rendering just for giggles, nothing too elaborate.

The shingles will be modelled at the latest stage, I still have a major issue with the roof proportions to solve. Don Shank blueprints are very useful but the final model seems a bit different.

Click on the pic for bigger version

and here is the timelapse, 6 hours of work in 12 minutes.


Related post:
Fredricksen house part 01

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4 Responses

  1. manfred says:

    great job olivier!

  2. Thanks Manfred, I still have to finish it though :-! not sure when…

  3. some people complained that the video was too fast to understand what was going on so I decided to upload a slower version. That one is about 22mins long.

  1. January 14, 2012

    […] posts: Low polygon modeling Fredericksen house part 02 Long chair modeling […]

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