Steve Jobs has turned evil

So like me you were probably excited by the release of CS5 tomorrow and thought you would be able to quickly develop cross-platform apps using Flash. Well Steve Jobs has decided otherwise.

The Flash blog “Apple slaps developers in the face”

Your “Ifart” clone must be developed using C, C++ and Objective-C said the man in black turtleneck.

Engadget “Iphone lock down”

Engadget: “Steve Jobs responds to complaint about new Iphone SDK rule”

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2 Responses

  1. Wesley louis says:

    hey man, please forgive me for the late response, i become extremely forgetful when i’m busy, I think I need a pa lol, Hope your well man, Im up for it on friday, call me 07903 319 320 or send me your no and Ill call you, l8r dude

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