Wacom settings

My friend Patrick asked me about my wacom settings but I tend to use my Intuos3 less and less those days I must admit.

First it takes a lot of desk space and forces you to move the keyboard way too far back for good typing position, second I suffer from RSI as much with the wacom than with the standard issued Microsoft mouse (as long as you keep your wrist in a natural position and not flat) and third ….. I find it fairly imprecise especially when used with 2 screens so once in a while I drag and drop a folder into an other one by mistake. Yes I could get a widescreen tablet but come on, what is the point of having a nice dark solid oak desk if you can’t see it anymore!

Ah and I also have my conspiration theory!!! How safe is it to have a Wacom radio emitter radiating through your hand and forearm all day? Any research on that?!

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2 Responses

  1. Karim says:

    Interesting, I’ve been advised to use the wacom to prevent RSI, and didn’t really think about the electromagnetic field it could release… I’d love to hear more about that.

  1. October 24, 2011

    […] Related posts: Maya, Mel scripts for animation Wacom settings […]

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