How to train your dragon, new clips

If you are not worried to see to much of the movie before it hits the theatre, have a look at that new teaser and “Forbidden friendship” a 2mins long shot of the encounter between Hiccup and Night Fury.

How to train your dragon

How to train your dragon

There is something really striking in those clips and I really wonder how this is gonna work out in the final movie. A lot of the shots are lit by an overcast sky and most of the colours are desaturated except for a tiny amount of shots like “Forbidden friendship”. Since not all the shots are similar, I guess it is a deliberate choice but that’s a really odd one especially from Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. Is it how they translate watercolours in CG?

The movie is out in few weeks, I can’t wait!

Oops I was about to forget the link to the “How to train your dragon”‘s blog

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3 Responses

  1. Mike Hamann says:

    I saw your instructional video on disassembly of the HTC Touch HD and loved it. Unfortunately, you quit just when it started getting tough. I went as far as you did, but couldn’t figure out how to get the LCD screen out. Can you help me?

  2. ah ah… this is getting really intriguing. Roger Deakins helped out with the lighting on Dragons

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