“Despicable” new trailer

Despicable me

Despicable me

I am frustrated by the lack of cartoony games those days but in contrast it is such a treat to see so many cartoony movies coming out.

Here is the new “Despicable me” trailer.


I can’t quite make the connection between that trailer and the previous one but there are some really really lovely shots here!

I am taking a screen-capture
of the other shots I really liked.

The sneak walk around 39seconds has a really nice weight and a lovely elbow overlap.


I would love to think that the animators came up with the gag of Gru moving the kid sideway by holding his head but I guess this was in the storyboard.




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3 Responses

  1. that’s interesting, it looks like this trailer is generating a lot of controversy! Come on it is just a cartoon. Yes this looks disconnected from the first trailer but why not! Lately most of the movies I went to see, I knew the whole story before even going to the cinema. This way it will be a full surprise and so far all the shots I saw had something worthy enough for me to go and watch it.


  1. March 18, 2010

    […] Luckily “Despicable Me” will come out before “Megamind” so this shouldn’t damage its chances to succeed at least on the european market. Related posts: “Despicable Me” new trailer […]

  2. March 25, 2010

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