Animation design

Cloudy draw over

Cloudy draw over

A lot of people jumping onto cg animation with a technical or a realistic approach don’t realise that animation is a craft that requires a true artistic sense.

Animation is not just about copying reality but enhancing it. People tend to forget that when creating animation, there are in full control of every single elements and they are not bound to the limitation live action presents.

There is so much you can polish on a bad movie but only the companies who pay attention to every single part of the CG animation process can create outstanding “work of art”.


To illustrate that, please go through David Anthony Gibson’s latest post and pay attention to what he mentions about the stylistic decisions that went into the making of “Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs”. Those highlights will make you realise that what makes a great movie is a bit more than just having great character designs, great rendering or just realistic motion.

I was particularly amazed when he mentioned the “pupil treatment” and the “Cut out mouth”. This is the first time I was exposed to those concepts in CG animation.

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2 Responses

  1. Henk says:

    Its a joy to see CG movies with great graphic qualities. Examples like the draw-overs inspire me to keep drawing more and more.

  1. October 3, 2012

    […] Animation design Cloudy with a chance of eyeballs Spare parts cutscene 2b […]

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