Monthly Archive: November 2009

Chico Chica Boumba 4

Chico Chica Boumba


Here is the teaser for the TV Pilot I worked on over the summer at 2 Minutes in Angouleme. There are about 2 of my shots (:21s and :26s), one of them got screwed up during Comp but you will finally be able to see what the show looks like.

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Double Duck, Topolino 1

Double Duck, Topolino

Double Duck

Double Duck

During my summer in Angouleme, I met a lot of very cool people and one of them was an italian artist that kept talking about his time at Disney which I found really intriguing as Disney doesn’t have an animation studio in Italy but the Disney he was referring to was … a very different one.

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Chinese Animation Mentor 4

Chinese Animation Mentor

Chineese AM

Chineese AM

AM expensive? Try the Chinese branch!

The 8 minutes Chinese flavoured AM showreel should convince you how good the teaching is!

More seriously, except the serious copyright infringements, having worked with several Chinese outsourcing companies, I have come to realize that when it comes to learning animation, copying the masters can pay off. Cutural differences aside, some chineese animators are actually really good.

“Modern martin” behind the scenes 0

“Modern martin” behind the scenes

Modern Martin

Modern Martin

Matt Morris just posted some more behind the scenes from “Modern Martin” short film. This time he is talking about the the technical approach of their artistic choices. It is not easy to translate 2d characters in CG and it is fascinating to hear how he went about doing that.

Related post:

Animation design 2

Animation design

Cloudy draw over

Cloudy draw over

A lot of people jumping onto cg animation with a technical or a realistic approach don’t realise that animation is a craft that requires a true artistic sense.

Animation is not just about copying reality but enhancing it. People tend to forget that when creating animation, there are in full control of every single elements and they are not bound to the limitation live action presents.

There is so much you can polish on a bad movie but only the companies who pay attention to every single part of the CG animation process can create outstanding “work of art”.

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