Monthly Archive: October 2009

HTC Touch HD disassembling 1

HTC Touch HD disassembling


It is amazing how random the posts can be on this blog! Well it’s mine so I am free to post whatever I want 😉

The HTC Touch HD is also known as Blackstone or T8282. This phone is an amazing piece of hardware and is still one of the best phones on the market.


Low polygon modelling tools 5

Low polygon modelling tools

Low Poly tools

Low Poly tools

Here are the tools I am using in the low polygon modeling videos.

1. Merge Vertex tool
2. Delete History
3. Freeze transformations
4. Extrude
5. Split polygon tool
6. Bevel
7. Cut faces tool
8. Insert Edge Loop tool
9. Select Edge Loop Tool
10. Slide Edge Tool

Nothing fancy, just basic Maya tools. Merge Vertex tool only appeared in Maya 2009 though.

Cloudy with a chance of …. Eyeballs! 4

Cloudy with a chance of …. Eyeballs!

with a chance of eyeballs

with a chance of eyeballs

Have you seen Sony’s latest attempt at swiping Pixar and Dreamworks from the best Feature animation studio’s crown?

Because of it’s really plain looking character design, “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” might have flown under the radars of a lot of animation fans but if you go pass the designs, you will realise that the underdog is a new home run from the Culver city studio. Yes the story is not revolutionary but that movie is once again a great piece of entertainment served with amazing rendering, gorgeous visual effects, funny lines and wacky animation.

One of those wacky shots I am referring to is the Eyeball shot by the dock.

How lucky! David Anthony Gibson, the animator behind it: has decided to share with use some insights.

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Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 02 0

Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 02


Moving forward, this is 1 hour of work in 5 minutes. I used Camtasia this time so the result should be a bit smoother. Unfortunately Camtasia pause button didn’t work so 2 hours are missing, you won’t see the entire panel detailing sequence and few other things. Sorry.

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