Monthly Archive: September 2009
I always wanted to record a modeling session timelapse but wasn’t too sure I would be able to finish a full model while being recorded. I also had no clue how fast I was at modeling and was worried I would make too many mistakes. Just like everything, if you don’t try, you will never know!
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[update] It came to my attention that some people didn’t fully read my post and thought I was in awe at what those kids did. This is not the case at all, read the full post! This was to illustrate that with very very little knowledge, some individuals could easily disrupt our daily routines. Very often what separates us from those “geeks” is a tiny bit of information. In that case just a bit of masking tape would do the trick I am assuming. There are so many fields of knowledge around us and it takes so much effort to stay in the loop that when choosing one path we are at the mercy of people who chose a different one.
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Milt Kahl celebration
The American “Academy of motion picture arts and science” just released some videos from the Milt Kahl retrospective that was held in LA earlier this year.
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This is probably one of the best Eric Goldberg talk. I recommend you highly to check out that talk he gave at AAU for the “Industry on Campus” cycle. If like me you only know him through his work on Aladdin or Hercules, you will be pleasantly surprised to see him sharing his first Flipbook but also some of his latest work for a cultural Buddhist center from Hong Kong.
I watched that video few times already and will surely watch it again.
Click on the following link then his name on the right hand side
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I am not so much of a Twitter user but integrated to WordPress I think it could be really useful for quick sharing of mood, ideas, thoughts, or interesting links I find on the net.
You can now find my Tweets and a link to my Tweet page on the right side of the blog.
I just finished modeling a nice set of vampire ears for Bishop. Cartoony 3d ears are usually simplified to the Helix (ie Pixar “Up”) but I felt the need to model the Antihelix and Antihelical fold.

Vampire ears
As an alternative to the clean and polished presentation on the concept of “Distraction in the work place” by David Allen, here is a great example of how micro-interruptions can get in the way of getting any work done featuring street photographer Estevan Oriol. Estevan established himself as a photographer using Los Angeles harsh light and gang culture as an inspiration. What I like the most about him is his motto: “gaining experience through practice”. Watch till the very end, distractions can be really … invasive 😉 (via Lowrider Supreme)
Following Mike Stern’s tip on the latest Animation Mentor newsletter, I have decided to bring all my shots to the same level of progress, then focus on the polish. That one was one of the most advanced ones but I have tweaked the camera slightly and might end up cutting it in two for the last part.
Anyway, I am posting this as it is right now and will do the editing once I have all the other shots.

Link Name
My friend “Vincil from ummo” just released his new album “Betty Drums” and a really really cool video in collaboration with Motion graphic designer Dittongraph and graphic designer Supakitch for his track “Saint Louis”, a really nice mix of hip hop and jazz supported by gorgeous graphics.
Double-click on the video to get the full version
You can purchase his album through Itunes:
or directly from the artist using the links at the bottom (Paypal, Sterling and euros cheques)
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here is the first shot from my shortfilm. The elbow is very jittery as I can’t remember where to find the IK elbow. Hope you like it though