Sketchcrawl material
Here is a summary of recommendations given by different artists for sketching or sketchcrawling.
Glenn Vilppu uses a Namiki Falcon fountain pen filled with a range of Sepia, brillian brown and black non waterproof Pelikan ink but also Polychromos Faber-Castell pencils. The Namiki Falcon nib is solid gold hence the price but doesn’t corrode like cheaper models. Glenn also recommends the $15 “Pen and ink sketching fountain pen” which comes in extra-fine, fine or broad size. expensive but the pigments are much stronger.
Enrico Casarosa uses the Fabriano Artist journal which alternates white and brown pages. He also carries a Water brush pen like most Sketchcrawlers and a set of Windsor& Newton Artist watercolours and does most of his drawings using a pencil.[…]
Mattias Adolfsson works mainly with a Namiki Falcon fountain pen filled with American Eel waterproof ink from Noodler’s ink. He also uses a Mont Blanc Meisterstruck once in a while. His favourite sketchbook is the Moleskine.
Personally I currently use Windsor & Newton Artists’ watercolours Pocket sketchers’s box, to which I added a pink in order to do quick skin tones. Don’t bother with the cheap student paints, the Artists’ paints are much stronger.
My sketchbook is a cheap A5 Zap book sketchbook since most of my drawings don’t have Moleskine value yet 😉 I bought an A6 Fabriano Artist’s Journal from CassArt in Soho some time ago but the drawing size was just too small. I will have to find an A5 version next time I am in London.
For the drawing itself I use pretty much anything right now but intend to get one of those Namiki Falcon as quickly as possible. As much as I love 0.05 Rotring like drawings once in a while, thick and thin lines are just too sexy! For the brushes I use the Pentel Aquash water brush which is very useful since the water is contained in the handle, I never used the Niji Waterbrush but it works exactly the same way.