Enrico Casarosa

Venice Chronicles

Venice Chronicles

Enrico Casarosa is a storyboard artist from Pixar which I discovered through his watercolour sketchbook “The Venice Chronicles”. I had been reading the book through Flikr and loved it so much that I ended up buying the book immediately on Amazon when it came out and ordered an other dedicated copy through his blog few weeks ago.

Being a fan of sketchbooks, watercolours and comics with japanese influences I could only fall in love with his work. Enrico has been a storyboard artist at Pixar since Ratatouille and did a lot of work on UP which I am really looking forward to watching when it comes out. […]

Enrico Casarosa

Enrico Casarosa

The reason I am posting about Enrico is because I just found a great interview with him on Ghibliworld where he explains how much Miyasaki influenced his work. He also compares big american studios to more “independent” ones explaining why movies created at studios like Pixar must be a collaborative effort when smaller studios might be able to succeed driven by a single individual. This looks a lot like the issues facing the game industry actually. Here is a great quote from that article

“So making a movie ultimately has the same goal: to make people laugh. Of course the reality of movie making is that of a huge infrastructure that costs billions to run, requires hierarchy and delegation and it’s thus way more difficult to maneuver. So for all of this he had a really nice analogy: it’s as if you absolutely love water ok? Adore it. Now, would you rather be the captain of huge ship or a surfer?”

http://www.ghibliworld.com/enrico_casarosa_interview.html. There was also a discussion about that article on CartoonBrew.

Here is an other old interview on my new favourite blog “Lines and colors”

Ok one more interview from “Animated feature” this time 😉


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1 Response

  1. January 17, 2012

    […] Related post: Enrico Cassarosa […]

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