New project “The Contender!
Here are some renders of my new Bishop mod. This is a new project I am gonna work on when coming back from Annecy. Yes I am a Dreamworks fan boy but there is an other reason I chose Shrek for inspiration.
Wireframes after the break
This was fully modeled and rendered in Maya by the way. Looks like I am getting the hang of it in the end. I am also getting pretty fluent in facial rigging but I need to come up with a character design first.
you is awesome!
The bad: Why modify bischop and have him look like another icon.
The good: The teeth are incredible! Im inspired. What else could be done to bischop and have _this_ much effect.
@ Henk. it’s just for a quick animation test Henk, not for showreel material, I understand your point and you are right but it will make a nice little gag when you hear the audio. I thought about Shrek immediately.
@Remi, no, YOU is awesome!
Haha, I should`ve figured as much. Looking forward to it. I could just see a french whinetaster with his teeth on the glass like that.
are you still working on this project would love to see what you do with it
Hey Leon. I have some other shots to work on before I tackle a longer version of that one. Thanks for passing by