Gaston Lagaffe by Franquin
Listening to the Ken Duncan’s interview on the Animation Podcast I remembered those great comic strips from Begian author Franquin. I still can’t believe Gaston Lagaffe is more than 50 years old! No wonder Gaston’s car was a 1925 Fiat 509. […]
According to Wikipedia
André Franquin (January 3, 1924 – January 5, 1997) was an influential Belgian comics artist, whose best known comic strip creations are Gaston and Marsupilami, created while he worked on the Spirou et Fantasio comic strip from 1947 to 1969, during a period seen by many as the series’ golden age.
If you don’t know about Gaston Lagaffe, Marsupilami or Spirou and Fantasio check the following links.
Gaston Lagaffe (in french)
Spirou and Fantasio (in french)
Thinking about it, my taste for character design, posing and entertainment might be influenced by Franquin. My favorite Gaston Lagaffe design is probably the one from around 67/70, a bit more complex than the previous production and much more organic than the current one.
Apparently there is a reedition of Franquin’s work “Gaston l’integrale” with scans of the original boards. I am ordering one of them right now! … Oh 99 euros… hum I will have to wait till I see it in shops first 😉
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