Monthly Archive: May 2009

“Gary” Supinfocom short film 0

“Gary” Supinfocom short film

Inspired by Aardman “Pierce sisters”. Here is “Gary” a short film directed by Clément Soulmagnon, Yann Benedi, Sébastien Eballard & Quentin Chaillet.

[vimeo width=”470″ height=”300″][/vimeo]

You can read an interview of the directors on Motionographer

Painting exercise 0

Painting exercise

Bath time

Bath time

As suggested by Bobby Chiu, I just did a quick painting exercise in the style of one of my favorite artist Nate Wragg. Well it is pretty much a copy of one of his paintings. The grey background was just to avoid working on white but in retrospect white could have been better 😉 Ah I will have to learn colour harmony one day… how/where to start?

Milt Kahl (Mowgli) pencil test 1

Milt Kahl (Mowgli) pencil test

That video was resurected after the special evening dedicated to Milt Kahl. In case you missed it, here it is:
[vimeo width=”400″ height=”533″][/vimeo]

Don’t forget that you can download the Quicktime version in Vimeo. Look for the link at the bottom right of the page.

PS:  Richard Williams recorded a video tribute to Milt Kahl for that evening, check it out it is funny but emotional at the same time:  Richard Williams tribute to Milt Kahl

Milt Kahl Disney family album 1

Milt Kahl Disney family album

Milt Kahl is my favourite Nine Old man. I really respond to his strong poses, eye for detail, sense of observation and draftmanship. People who can draw like him are really really rare.

Here are 3 videos from the Disney Family Album
[youtube][/youtube] […] (more…)

Ward Kimball videos 0

Ward Kimball videos

I just love the sheer wackiness of Ward Kimball.

“The duck goes out to the right and comes in to the left, you can’t do that, that’s not logical, you need to have those tie ups, it has to make sense”
“Look… who cares! That gives it it’s flavour, it’s craziness”

Here is the Disney Family album Ward Kimball special
[youtube][/youtube] […] (more…)

Seb a un blog/Seb has a blog! 0

Seb a un blog/Seb has a blog!

My buddy Sebastien Lasserre has a blog! I still can’t believe it! 😉

You can expect to see plenty of his work and surely his Pinpin comic strip!

Here is the link

Animations en stock pour Sydney

Seb will also be featured at Annecy in the programme CMHC1 which will be screened Monday at the “Petite salle” 18h00 and at Decavision on Wednesday 18:00 for his Stop motion short film “Christmas time”
