TV Paint fun


For the past few weeks, I have started sketching on my way to work. I am still using a demo version of TV Paint that closes down after 20 minutes and doesnt allow saving.

TV Paint is a really great software and I haven’t used Sketchbook pro for a more than a year now.

I mostly do caricatures/character design and usually start with 2 spheres, one for the cranium and an other one for the chin/jaw, then I place the different features (ears, noze, eyes) at different height, in order to give some personality to my character. That s a tip I got from Steven Silver. The drawing above was my first test with shadows and didn’t work very well. Instead of starting with a white page next time, I will start with a mid gray background. This should will give me more range. An other exercise I learnt from Steven Silver is to draw the feature into a geometrical shape (triangle, square, rectangle and circle), do you know any other?

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2 Responses

  1. Henk says:

    Drawing seems like yet another artform heavily based on a set of “basics”. These circles don`t form bouncing balls but they sure have a big influence on the character

  2. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    thanks for passing by Henk

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