Productivity tools Windows Mobile

After spending a bit of time around the net I finally replaced the default HTC Touchflow interface with the classic Windows Mobile 6.1 UI enhanced by a really cool add-on called SBP Diary. It is obviously not for everyone but personally I prefer to have my calendar/todo list on my home screen rather than shortcuts to softwares. The application is $20 and there is even a demo version on the website.


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2 Responses

  1. Lluis says:

    Ahh, the good ole WM ..

    I have a G1 now, but there are some AWESOME applications for the WM. I recommend :

    – Magic Button
    – SPB Time
    – SBSH PocketBreeze
    – SBSH PocketWeather

    HONK –


  2. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    hey Luis, shouldn’t you update your website with the latest versions of your scripts? 😉

    Thanks for passing by, I will check those other SBP applications

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