“He has a gift” BrussHell blocking

Here is the blocking for a shot I am working on. I didn’t get much response on the AM forum, let’s see if I can get more comments here. There will be a BrussHell kid on the right.

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2 Responses

  1. Andrew Innes says:

    Hey man good to see some new work from you.

    First off, kickass mod to bishop 🙂

    I don’t know if you have touched or not is the brows but I would definitely block them in at this stage to get a feel for the expressions.

    The only thing that stands out is his stone arm keeps returning to the same position throughout the shot, i would definitely try to vary it up a bit maybe have it down by his side at the end. I also think perhaps the maybe gesture is not needed, less is more etc.

    Lookin forward to see more.


  2. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    yeah a lot of people made the same comment Andy, I might end up changing the poses a bit.


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