Monthly Archive: December 2008

Windows Mobile best applications 1

Windows Mobile best applications

I will use this post as a repository for my favourite Windows Mobile Applications:

AE Button plus
This utility extends functionality of hardware keys on Windows Mobile devices. It allows you to:

  • intercept almost any standard button: application buttons, WM5 SoftKeys, Volume slider, Action and even Red/Green phone buttons
  • distinguish up to 4 different keypress events on each button grabbed (single, double, triple and “long” keypresses).
  • remap each of the keypress events to “virtual” application button or assign them directly to one of the wide set of built-in actions.
  • As a result you may “convert” volume slider to up/down arrows, assign several essential application buttons to these “SoftKey” buttons and even assign your favorit alternative dialer to red/green phone buttons.

    G-watch is a stopwatch/countdown that uses your built in GPS to track how much distance you have covered running/cycling/driving. It is really really cool. It is still a beta version but worked very well for me. On my way to my training I uploaded that application to my phone and was happy to finally know my running speed and the distance I ran. This will be great to set goals and improve my running speed.

    BBC Iplayer:
    Ok that one is not really an application but you can find the steps to allow the BBC Iplayer on your HD on the following website

    HTC Touch HD, my new toy! 0

    HTC Touch HD, my new toy!

    I I jumped on the bandwagon and got myself one of the fanciest mobile phone on the market. I am not talking about the “Iphone 3g” but the HTC Touch HD and that phone is really really cool.

    Now what is the difference with the “Jesus phone 3g” ?

    Well it does everything the Iphone does and few more things. For example you can:
    – copy and paste (doh)
    – run several applications at the same time
    – play full res Divx and Xvid videos (using TCMP)
    – change the battery
    – swap MicroSD cards (it comes with a 8gb SD card)
    – record videos
    – use it as a wifi router or a cabled one
    – it comes with a very slick stylus
    – with a bit of trickery you can view Flash websites (only in USA et UK)
    – it synchronizes Outlook Notes and tasks
    – connects to Exchange corporate emails
    – really fine 800*480 pixels screen
    – ultimately it doesn’t drop phone calls!!!

    I am too busy at the moment to explore everysingle function but so far I love that phone. After nearly 4 years, I finally ditched my Palm T5 and my recent Nokia N95, the Touch HD replaces all my devices. No need to carry all my chargers and cables with me anymore just a regular Mini usb.