It is all about the bike!

I have absolute no interest in watching cycling on TV and especially the “Tour de France” but like I said few weeks ago, I just bought a racing bike to commute to work. Here is that beauty!

I just bought the rest of the equipment last week end and will give it a try today. I am really worried about having my feet stuck to the pedals but I guess it shouldn’t take too long to get used to that.

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5 Responses

  1. Hey there Olivier, thats a flashy bike your got there. But We still like to see a picture of you in that spandex outfit too that you bought during the London gathering.

  2. manfred says:

    but you know .. winter is almost here.
    damn .. crazy french buys a pedal bike in october .. =)

  3. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    hehe, next week end I give it a try. How far is Derby again? 😉

  4. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    Joost, dream on! 😉

  5. Bryan Magan says:

    friends don’t let friends wear spandex

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