Monthly Archive: October 2008
I just found a huge list of Banjo Kazooie 3 videos on the website

If you still don’t know much about this incredible Plateform/vehicle game, look no further! They posted a lot of trailers, walkthroughs and interviews.
Little King’s Story (WII)

TGS demo

I have absolute no interest in watching cycling on TV and especially the “Tour de France” but like I said few weeks ago, I just bought a racing bike to commute to work. Here is that beauty!

I just bought the rest of the equipment last week end and will give it a try today. I am really worried about having my feet stuck to the pedals but I guess it shouldn’t take too long to get used to that.
Tokyo Game show just started and Microsoft revealed a bit more about the Xbox Avatars. Kotaku posted a new video today. That’s really sweet and I am really proud of the work that we are doing here.