Monthly Archive: May 2008

Explorer.exe crashing browsing video files

Explorer.exe crashing browsing video files

Quick post.
If like me your Explorer crashes when opening a folder with video files, it s probably because you installed some dodgey software which is taking over the default explorer thumbnail generator.

To restore it, open the registry editor (type regedit in the command line)

find the following key


and delete whatever value you have for the “Default” key. Press Ok restart and off you go!


Thanks google and website.

Today is a Rare day! 4

Today is a Rare day!

Ok the first articles, videos and interviews have emerged on the internet. Today is the annoucement day for “Viva Pinata2 – Trouble in Paradise” and “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts”.

WordPress doesn’t allow me to embed videos so jump on the following links for a tour of our studios and a video trailer of one of the games I have been working on since Septembre 2007

going offline 0

going offline

Sorry for the lack of posts those days. I am still alive but I have decided to dedicate all my free time to my short film for the next 7 weeks. Kevin is a great mentor and it would be a shame to screw up this term again and not make the most of his dedication to help us make great short films.
You can still catch me in London this Week End or Annecy next month.
