Tear off Maya Channel box

Hey guys I found a really nice little script that allows you to hide the standard Channel box and use a flying one instead. You can download the script from here: Highend 3d and here is a little demo to show you how I use it I guess the next step would be to make the Layer box fly as well. Let me know if you have any idea how to do that too.


[edit] David Bernal pointed me to a Layer Manager that can replace the Maya one and also brings the Photoshop layer folders to Maya. Here it is Hierarchic Display Manager

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4 Responses

  1. Mel Milton says:

    freakin awesome! Thanks a load. Will make things loads easier! You rock!!!

  2. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    Ah Ah. Mel is obviously still around! I am gonna check your blog. You must have posted some rocking stuff I am sure 😉

  3. hey oliver,,,this video was funny, thanks matte, the script is cool, Makes more room to work .
    Oliver, do you know any script wich change the color of the keyframes in the timeline, in another colour?
    see you

  4. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    I tried few but I don’t really feel the need for them anymore. Well they weren’t working very well actually but thinking about it, yeah I wouldn’t really need that.

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