Ed Hooks workshop

My lead animator Louise organised a day out for all the animators from Rare to attend a “workshop” on acting for animators hosted by the famous Ed Hooks which you probably know for his book “Acting for animators”. My friend Andy gave it to me back in the days and I never managed to finish it.

I was a bit apprehensive at first but Ed Hooks is a very entertaining character and his workshop was really great. I took loaaddddss of notes and it will probably take me few weeks to organise them. Richie found some similar notes on Thinking Animation blog but I can’t find them anymore. I will update the link tomorrow from work.

I also got to sit next to him at lunch and have a quick chat on acting but that was really brief. I told him that his talk reminded me of the Uta Hagen masterclass and to which he replied “I learnt from her in NY…. and others”

The others he was refering to were probably Meisner and Michael Chekhov which I recognised immediately

Chekhov: Archetypes, Imaginary Centers, Imaginary body, Character Atmospheres, Overall scenic Atmospheres, Qualities of Movement, Imaginary Place and Psychological Gesture,

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