Timing and spacing
Ok, we spent nearly one hour debating this at work some time ago and watching the Jason Ryan latest video the question came back to me.
If I have an animation in 24fps and I change it to 60fps.
Is this gonna affect the spacing?
Is this gonna affect the timing?
Give me your answers in the comment section! 😉
Hey Olive,
I think that it will change quite a bit the feeling of the animation because all inbetweens will be screw up. Maybe that would not be the case if you are have very clean curves, but I am sure it will affect the shot quite a bit.
Hey Olive,
Spacing wise for other stuff, yes 60fps will clearly show your mistakes. Its a lot easier to see hitches in your spacing with so many inbetweens.
Take a bouncing ball assignment and do it at 60fps. It`ll clear things up I guess :]
hey dude,
I like to animate at 60fps always for videogames. I feel that it helps me put more into each motion. 24fps can be very limiting when you want to tweak inbetweens. You can also create all sorts of wierd interpolating when slowing down or speeding up an anim in real-time that was done at 24fps. It also helps more when creating smooth overlapping anims to have the finer fidelity of 60 frames. Its a personal choice though… ultimatley, do what you feel is right for you. See you at work… Jon
ah ah. The discussion is taking a different turn than what I was expecting but it is all good. At work we animate in 60 or 30 fps, probably because it is easy to transfer from NTSC to Pal but on my quest to learn timing I am currently sticking to 24fps and switch to 60fps just before exporting to my DevKit.
But like Jon commented, the more frame you have, the more subtlelty you can create and after working for 3 month in a 60fps environment, my eye has become so used to it that I can easily see if a shot is animated in 60fps or 24fps in pretty much the same manner we can easily spot the difference between CG and stop motion, as long as animators dont try to mimic the opposite technique (“Corpse Bride”/”Flushed Away”)
I am still experimenting at the moment and for the past 2 weeks my workflow has changed again. I am still blocking in 24fps but now swap for 60fps for my polish and sometimes for my blocking+, to add some extra bits of animation that 24fps wouldn’t allow me.
Fascinating! I`m excited to read about high fps animation. Converting to 60fps for cleanup makes sense. I mean why wouldn`t CG animation happen at very high fps.
Then again, it would only make a difference with extremely fast actions. Less trouble with a bouncing ball too. Not so much strobing going on :]