Max and Co
Despite a very bland name the movie is a must see. Reluctantly I went to the screening at Annecy this summer and was blown away. Cinemagination‘s “Max and Co” is a funny stop motion feature made in Switzerland which I recommend you to see.
There is a finally a trailer online so run!
Hi Olive just visiting your blog, congrats for your position at Rare, I hope you have a great time there. ;D
hey man, nice to hear from you, where have you been all that time?? I am gonna check your blog now, hopefully you have some content on it!
Hi Olive, unfourtunally thouse martians who abdubted me didn’t let me to much free time to work in new stuff, you know always keeping me busy with thouse crazy experiments… 😀
But now I’m again on planet earth I hope to update my blog often and not dissapear again.