Moving house
Today was my last day at my current job which meant moving house too.
It would have been much better if I started recording it from the begining but I only thought about doing this at 5am. Too bad you would have been able to see the bed and furnitures flying around and alos notice a terrible slow down around 10 am 😉
Memorable moments are when my girlfriend took pity and decided to get some breakfast from Mac Donald but a manager interrupted me in the middle asking why half of the Internet Café was closed? I started laughing since I wasn’t in duty anymore for the past 9 hours. She wasn’t very happy 😉 An other one is when I decided to get changed but the best is probably when I found a fully equipped mother board, a computer case and decided to build a PC 😉 what was I thinking!!!!
if only it was that quick to pack.
hope things are good i really liked your reel.
we should meet up soon