Animation showreel

This looks like a new animation showreel to me, what do you think? 😉


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10 Responses

  1. Wesley Louis says:

    Wow man you’ve been busy. Lovin the showreel, could do with some music me thinks. Hope everything is well with you.

  2. Wesley Louis says:

    By the, couple of us might be goin out on the 12th just for a few drinks, call DMCA or I’ll email you details when I find out.

  3. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    yes man, I have pretty much seen everyone else except you for the past weeks 😉

    The music, yes you are right especially since it s a fairly long reel with some boring bits in the middle which I might just cut actually, you know all the bouncing ball bits.

    I had a track in mind but couldn’t find it yesterday. I will find it today and put it on the next pass

  4. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    job done. Music maestro!

    Internet Explorer was causing problem so I made a special page for the showreel and I also drastically reduced the size of the showreel. I realised that I was using a silly function in Quicktime pro that was making me hit the 40Mo mark everytime!!

  5. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    I still haven’t received a new Sim card so my mobile won’t be working till Friday 7th of Sept. Msn me or email me in the mean time.

  6. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    thanks Jamal, you have some fine work too

  7. Matt says:

    Hey Olive! Hows it going bud! Lots going on for you right now eh? Where’s the new flat?

    Just checked out the showreel, its a great start! Nicely put together, love a bit of Ray to go with it 🙂

    I would take out the bouncing balls and the stepped vanilla walk as they don’t really add anything – and hey if you could render the sneak to look as good as the 180 turn it would be sweet! The 2 person dialogue still needs a little polish as I’m sure you know, though all the acting beats are solid. The single dialogue is looking good – sometimes it feels a bit frozen, and maybe a couple of times I might be tempted to anticipate the dialogue with the body movement first – particularly when she comes forward (just before ‘there really is’), try bringing the spine forward 12 frames or so.

    Will give you a shout sometime soon mate, be good to catch up!

  8. Daniel says:

    yeah oliver. it´s looking good, nice animations, i see you´ve been polishing aal your stuff, the toilet shot is nice, very smooth, well done man, good to see your work.

  9. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    thanks Daniel and it s not even finished yet. I still have more work to do and finally block the Car pantomime.

    How is it going with you? I will check your blog, make sure there is something to read.

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