Un Monstre a Paris

monstrelogmon10.jpgSince I first saw some animation test and renderings of this feature, I fell in love with it. The story takes place at the begining of the 20th century in Paris, at the time of the Moulin Rouge and the universal exhibition.

The movie is directed by Eric Bergeron “Bibo”, ex Dreamworks director on “The Road to Eldorado” and “Shark Tales”. I wasn’t moved much by the story on Shark Tales but I really liked the work done by the concept artists and the designs. “Eldorado” is also one of my favourite 2d cartoons.

The production is said to be starting in Septembre in Nice (France).

Here are some pics found on internet. Unfortunately that s all you can see. The trailer shown at Annecy will not be shown to the public unfortunately.



The website for the movie seems to be down at the moment but you can always have a look at Bibo films website


here is a list of blogs from people involved in its production, gorgeous work:

Matt Jones

Antoine Antin

ex Gobelin Aurelien Predal

Neil Campbell Ross

Related post:
Monstre a Paris short clip

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6 Responses

  1. RoB says:

    Hey Dude!

    Thanks for coming my area. Whoa, what cool looking film! Great post! Awesome site dude! 🙂


  2. damien says:

    Are you oliveuk from Catsuka?
    If not, maybe you haven’t seen this picture yet.

  3. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    Hi Damien! yes that s me. I didn’t post it as the quality wasn’t very good but thanks for posting it though

  1. June 15, 2011

    […] posts: Monstre à Paris Monstre à Paris short […]

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