Animatic for my short

Ok sorry about the delay but I was a bit paranoid that someone would steal my idea that I didn’t want to show it until now.

Anyway, here it is for the ones who haven’t seen it yet.

While working on the layout I realised that some areas still needed a bit more definition so back to the drawing boards.


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5 Responses

  1. Mel Milton says:

    Thats a sharp lookin animatic Oliver!!! Look forward to seeing your progress

  2. Daniel says:

    ae oliver, simple and snap, that´s good, you gonna have time to spend on the animation making it shine. I just wonder if you could make clearer that he is a vampire, with same signs in his house, dunno, maybe a coffin in the back or something. ok we don´t see his image in the mirror but samething else just to comfirm. dunno just my opinion.
    well done, have you started again school or still in break?

  3. dutruc says:

    you are right Daniel, thanks

  4. dutruc says:

    and yeah I am on a break at the moment looking for work just like you 😉

  5. tim says:

    i like it, a nice idea thats short and simple.

    i like the way it starts and it’s a bit confusing, i just think that when you want the audience to get that he’s a vampire it should be clearer. maybe you see he’s teeth a bit earlyer or something, i don’t know if thats the best way or even a good way, but i think you should try and find a way.

    good stuff keep working on it

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