Watercolour kit

After countless hours spent on the net searching for the perfect kit I finally took the plunge. I just placed my order on the Ken Bromley Art supplies website for


Pentel brush pen with 4 water proof ink cartridges


A set of 3 pentel aquabrush, just in case I picked up the wrong size. Mind you the set of 3 cost the same as a single one at the London Graphic Center 😉


And the obvious Winsor & Newton 12 half pans Watercolour pocket box. That was quite expensive for my first watercolour kit compared to the £6 for the student version but I have been told it was well worth it as the pigments are much stronger than the student kit. I have had various experiences with water colours in the past but I guess it was because I was using some cheap sets.

One last question is what kind of paper I should buy. The popular one is the new Moleskine sketchbook but I am not sure it is the most sensible choice for a first try. We will see as soon as I receive the kit.

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2 Responses

  1. Rok Andic says:

    Hey Olivier,

    those pen brushes sure look nice. I have the Moleskine and it’s a really nice sketchbook. I haven’t tried any watercolors on it but for sketches and all stuff related it’s really great. It doesn’t play well with markers though (smudges) but I’ve heard it’s great for watercolor so you should definitely give it a try.

    Take care,

  2. dutruc says:

    I have an old moleskine, I will try some watercolouring on it.

    The pentel brush pen are awesome. No need to carry water anymore.
    and they don’t leak at all. The Artist quality Winsor & Newton watercolours are also amazing. The colours are sooo vivid, nothing to do with the cheap ones I first tried many years ago.


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