Hard drive clean up
Recent hard drives are great, they allow you to store hundreds of Gigabytes of information but without a good backup system you could loose everything.
I got used to make regular backups on DVD but that option became a real pain after I realised that my 300 Gb HD was completely full, only having a handful of gigs backed up.. Time for some clean up. Today I wanted to talk about the softwares I use for clean up: Windirstat and Picasa
Windirstat allows you to see in a very visual manner what you have on your hard drive and it becomes very easy to find out who are the biggest culprits. Each block represent a file and moving the mouse cursor over them will display their name
I won’t need to present Picasa, I guess everyone knows it. It is great to realise how many pictures you have been storing for years. Now one thing I would need though it a software that allows you to find duplicates of pictures. Picasa does it but I am still unsure about how to use it.