Monthly Archive: April 2007

Summer time, character concept 3

Summer time, character concept

As promised, here are some concept art for the design of my character Thirsty, a cartoony looking vampire. I have modeled and alpha version of him in wax already but I will probably change the proportions and use a different material. I started using a dark red wax but it is too dark and most of the detail won’t show up properly. I did try some Super Sculpey I had laying around but it was too dry and brittle. I also tried some Chavant clay but it was too sticky for my liking. I will go to Tiranti tomorrow and see what they have on offer….. not that I trust them much anymore but well let’s see.

Here are my concept art, 2 hours of brainstorming with my TabletPC and Sketchbook pro.


And here is the unfinished alpha version of the sculpt.


Hold you breath! 0

Hold you breath!

sorry for the lack of post but don’t worry, everything is fine. I am still in the writing process of my script and I have decided not to leak anything before I am happy about the story, and the animatic is well underway.

Maybe I am being paranoid but I wouldn’t want to see a similar short coming out few month before my graduation. I have huge plans for it so the only thing I am gonna say is that it is gonna be really cartoony and tell the misfortune of a funny looking vampire.

I might upload some concept art next week. Yes I am gonna model and rig my own character with the help of Alfonso.

In the meantime here are some great shorts whose directors I was lucky enough to meet at the Auch festival or in London/


Chahut by  Gilles Cuvelier click on “Voir le Film” then “Haut debit” to get the better quality stream.


Out from Supinfocom

I have few more things in my sleeve but I have to do some clay modelling tonight

I am still alive! 3

I am still alive!

sorry for the lack of posts lately but I had to come up with 5 stories for my short film and preparing my trip to the Auch Animation festival so was pretty busy. Don’t worry I will post some stuff very soon

Class 5 First Q&A 2

Class 5 First Q&A

Today I finally got to meet the whole crew and my mentor Elliot Bour. He seems to be a very nice guy and very down to earth for someone with so much experience in animation and directing, also he didn’t mind expressing his opinion about companies and movies he worked on so that was refreshing but this will stay private as in this business you still need to keep stuff for you, don’t worry he didn’t have much grudge against the whole business and didn’t make comments John K. would do.
Fate made Richie Prado and Matt Morris be in my class this term so I get to be in the same class than 2 UK guys, Matt being in London already and Richie coming back once in a while from Birmingam. This allows us to meet regularly and help each others. Gosh I just realised I might have forgotten some of my classmates when i did my photoshop collage… damn

This is where I reside! 0

This is where I reside!

I did travel a fair bit in the past and thought that it would be a cool idea to map all those places. The furthest I went was probably North America on holidays and the South West of Africa where I lived for 2 years.

Class 5 Beginning short film 1

Class 5 Beginning short film

Yep after few ups and downs I finally reached the second year of animation mentor and will spend the 6 next month on developing then producing my own short. Producing a short is not something you can take too lightly and the idea of spending the next 6 month on a story I will choose in the next few weeks is really scary! Luckily things are done very well at Animation mentor and our mentors for class5 are animators or artists who have had some experience in the story department or in direction.

My mentor for this term will be Elliot M. Bour . He “began his career working as an animator for Walt Disney from “Beauty and the Beast” to “Mulan”, then directed on Disney’s “Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo” and “Kronk’s New Groove”. Elliot just got a job at Sony in development and hopefully we will be able to pick his brain to come up with the best short possible!

Elliot is on the right of the picture next to the Disney legends

pastels 0


I should be getting in Class5 “Short preproduction” next week and I set my goals quite high. Here is a test I did in preparation using Caran d’Ache pastels on Canson 170g…. well that was more ArtRage2 on my Tablet pc but I won’t be taken seriously if I say so.

You might recognise the inspiration from some tiny company in california.


412 meant to be final 0

412 meant to be final

Ok, this is meant to be my final but I am struggling some much to clean this up. Anyway, this is where I am so far. I will try to find the time to improve it.


Drawing 0


While checking Youtube, I was copying some of the Story Boredom’s caricatures today and realised that it would be better to do my own ones.

That one is not really a caricature but a simple painting I did just to get better at it. It’s a very intuitive drawing, I didn’t really use the Glen Vilppu checklist. I just wanted to test some Sketchbooks brushes.
