Monthly Archive: March 2007

Pixar Senior Animator Victor Navone talks about Splinophilia this week on his blog.
More often animators find themselves working against the Graph editor instead of working with it. Victor talks about how he handles it and believe me, the guy knows what he is talking about. We had a 4 hours lecture with him few weeks back and I was amazed to see how easily he navigates through the “spaghetti box” and pretty much animates in the graph editor.
Brad Bird is a great director and story teller but I am a bit sick of his director’s interviews now.
Rejoy! Splinedoctors uploaded a great Podcast where Brad talks about his character animation career.
You probably didn’t know that but he was already working at Disney few years before CalArt. In fact he got his first desk at Disney aged 14. Yes, he is mister Incredible!

I went ahead and did the blocking + of the last shot this week. The props were modeled last week.

Just to pretend I have a deep knowledge in cinema, I took reference in Eisenstein’s “Ivan the terrible” and Kubrik’s “The shining” for my Bishop facial poses this week.

Here is my 407 assignment. (will post later)