Maya, mel scripts for animation

[update] I don’t use the GI joe script anymore and now go with Mental ray GI preset. I no more use Lluis Llobera Reset Channels script anymore, I just zero things out in the Maya channel editor.

I created a set of icons for the mel scripts I use the most. Click on the picture to download them all and also a nifty Xsheet script someone created for me.


Gi_Joe lighting script for cheap Global Illumination

Michael Comet’s autotangent download the whole pack and only extract autoTangent.mel He also has some cool parenting scripts but that’s an other story. [update] I currently use a hotkey for that one since the only value I use is the magic 4.2

Luis Llobera Make button and Reset channels. LLMakeButton IS A MUST!!!!!!


Zoomerate great to zoom and pan into your camera view without moving your shot camera. Perfect when animating fingers or eyelids in the camera view.

Tween Machine by Justin Barrett. An other must have script!!! It allows you to create linear breakdowns while in step mode and favour the previous or next pose. I just upgraded to version 2. The new interface takes a bit more screen space but you now have the option to use buttons or a slider, great for people suffering from RSI.

An other script I use all the time is Aaron Koressel ackSliceCurves. I use it so much that instead of a button I just use “Shift + b” as a hotkey, b being the “set key” hotkey for me. This script is great if your default tangents are set to step.


Xsheet is a little mel script someone on CG talk created for me. The script tells you on the viewport how far you are from the previous keypose. Great to learn about timing.

Related post:
Animation hotkeys

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6 Responses

  1. manfred says:

    nice .. could you set some links to the mel files?
    What’s that Zommerate?


  2. Zoommerate is a user friendly script to zoom and pan in the camera view without affecting the camera itself (in a way).

  3. Ernst says:

    New link to the LluĂ­s Llobera mel scripts: Reset transformations


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