Do you see my title here?

I need to blog about this. I went to get a credit card at the Natwest Earl’s court branch for a friend of mine who lives abroad and was told to ask for a specific member of staff.

When I enquired about it at the Information Desk I got told that I would need a letter to pick up a credit card.

I explained the situation very carefully and clearly and the fact that I was told to speak with a very specific member of the staff but she said the same thing: “no letter, no card”.

I don’t really have time to hang around in Banks and before heading home asked her if she was sure about it to which she replied.

“Do you see my title here?” pointing at her name tag…. It reads V. F. Customer Service Officer.

I am not too sure what kind of customer service we are talking about here but certainly not the kind of customer service I will ever want to be treated with. A person with a condescending attitude to me has got nothing to do with customer service.

Natwest Earl’s court don’t expect me to recommend you to anyone.

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