Animation principles

Everybody knows the 12 principles of animation established by Frank and Ollie in the Illusion of Life but over the years many people have felt the need to add more principles.

Just to clear my mind I have decided to make a compilation of them based on Based on Leo Brody’s Walt Stanchfield compilation
Chapter 7 Principles of animation page 155

1. pose and mood
2. shape and form
3. anatomy
4. model or character
5. weight
6. line and silhouette
7. action and reaction
8. perspective
9. direction
10. tension to extreme
11. planes
12. solidity
13. arcs
14. squash and stretch
15. beat and rhythm
16. depth and volume
17. overlap and follow thru
18. timing
19. working from extreme
20. positive & negative shapes
21. straights and curves
22. primary and secondary action
23. staging and composition
24. anticipation
25. caricature
26. details
27. texture
28. simplification

Things are still not very clear in my mind and as I go along I will refine that list with explanations and add ons. So far I am already thinking of adding
– Clarity
– Entertainment
– Sincerity

but also to take Adam’s variation in consideration:

4. model and character
11. planes of view

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1 Response

  1. December 16, 2009

    […] Related post: 28 principles of animation […]

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