Open Season

I just went to see Open Season with my friends Richie and Trystan and we had a great time. I have to admit that the story felt a bit like a mix between Madagascar, Ice Age and Shreck. “Nature versus civilisation”, “there is no US”, “the main character and the sidekick”, you know the usual animation recipe. However the animation, character designs and environments were a pure delight.

The animation on Beth the park ranger especially at the begining was very weak but the rest of the movie was excellent. If you like strong poses then you will be very pleased. Shaw the vilain was very entertaining, Martin Lawrence as Boog was very Martin Lawrence and still very funny. The animators did a great job with Boog and managed to get strong poses for the 900 pound grizzly bear, and Elliot was your regular overexcited sidekick.

Contrary to Incredibles, the generic characters weren’t so generic and had a lot of appeal.

Great stuff.

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1 Response

  1. milo says:

    I will have to try to go and see it!!! Love the box on the ice and the bouncing ball animation. Very nice slide and appeal! :OP

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