3D Character Animation Comes of Age in the U.K
3D Character Animation Comes of Age in the U.K
I just found that very interesting article on VFXworld.com about the reemerging VFX industry in London.
You will need to register in order to read it but don’t worry it’s free and painless.
Open season Diaries
Great reading here too.
Also, you might want to watch those clips from Aardmann/Dreamworks “Flushed Away”
Ok it’s a pain to copy and paste all the urls but trust me this is really worth it and they are all quicktime files no crappy flash videos.
[edit] I actually created a page with all the links so go here instead.
Yeah the rigs Im using are from Norman, its a really good rig. I dont like to spend time modeling and rigging, what are you considering rigging. Something for AM, or personal projects. Yeah I recall in one of his post he was working on some blendshapes. Not funn.