Monthly Archive: September 2006

Animation compilation 02 1

Animation compilation 02

This is in no way what I would send to a company in order to get a job but I still decided to make a compilation of my animation work till now just for reference and for people who want to know what level I am at right now.

Once I get a chance to find a bit more time, I will go and rework all those assignments except the bouncing ball and the poses since I think that those are fine compared to the rest.

For the south park animation I am working on a new short with my friend Osagie and hopefully this will replace it.

Animation compilation Septembre 2006

My own VTS 4

My own VTS

Here we go. Today I had my first personal VTS. I don’t want to upset anyone so let’s just say that I am happy.


Mel scripts survival kit 0

Mel scripts survival kit

Here is a list of Mel scripts you might need to speed up your animation process.

Tween machine by Justin Barrett
For people working in step mode, this will help you to create inbetweens between 2 poses and to favour one of those poses. Basically you don’t need to go into linear, set or copy a pose, move it around, go back to step, the script does it automatically and offers you a slider to favor a pose.

Pose2shelf not to sure about the url. I will probably post it on my blog. Allows you to save poses and apply them again. I use it to copy poses from one file to an other.

I will put some screenshot someother day.
