Keith’s post “Breakdown can be such a drag”
I read that one quickly few days ago but it resurfaced on my screen today thanks to Aja’s post on AM forum.
If you have read Keith tutorial on “Organized Keyframing” (refered as Pose to Pose tutorial by some) and don’t visit his website regularly, then you might have missed something very important:
His new Free web tutorial.
This is now the most important animation material for CG artists and everything you will ever need to know is there.
“Don’t reinvent the wheel, learn from 2d animation” I keep repeating myself.
You might as well jump onto Victor Navone’s new tutorial
As a summary, when planning your shots, think about the 12 principles again, think about what leads the motion, what settles first, where is the anticipation, and build all those informations in your poses. Drags, overlap must read clearly in your blocking.
After those 2 great posts, we have no excuse to do crappy animations.
Thanks for the tutorial links! Congrats on the graphics card! Sounds pretty sweet! Looks like you’ve been postin a lot! Love the guy ur workin on…can’t wait to see it when ur finished. Keep up the great work!;O)
I am just finishing my last AM assignment then get started on the rest of the body. The idea is to fully rig this guy, and some basic facial posing as well.