Understanding the graph editor
Here is an introduction to Maya graph editor. The video above is encoded in H264.
As you can see the “Spline tangent mode” is overshootint the curve between Peaks 2 and 3. We are loosing the control over the motion between the 2 poses.
In linear mode the motion is very robotic, very…. linear 😉
Step mode. This is the option we normally choose to block our animation. We go from one pose to the next with no transition.
In this example, Clamped, Flat and Plateau don’t present much difference. The difference we can notice is the kink happening in Flat mode on key 4 and the stronger ease in/ease out in Plateau compared to Clamped.
And here is a presentation of Michael Comet’s Autotangent mel script. The video below is encoded using Techsmith codec:
Next time I will post a presentation of Justin Barrett TweenMachine