LowMax loaded ready for the new assignment
I just downloaded LowMax rig from my friend Peter Starostin’s website. And really wonder why I bothered so much to learn Maya when Max has already all the tools built in to do animation! No need of any mel script, it is built in.
To track your arcs in Max this is how you do it:
Right click on what you want to track and click trajectory, can it be any simpler? And it is rock solid and doesn’t slow down your computer AT ALL!!!
Ok this is the first time I am gonna use Max to try to do “feature quality” animation work and I have never done it before. Whish me luck! Maybe that I will go back to Maya, maybe not.
I am very very excited and if I succeed I will finally be able to add props, textures and get a great rendering in no time.
Thanks Peter your rig rocks!
Hey Oliver. Cool, I’m glad LowMax is being used by you. 😀 If you want, you can use this one too
It’s the rig I used for my AM assignments. I can’t remember if I already told you about this one. In case I didn’t, don’t bother trying to merge a copy of it in, there were a couple of scripts used that are name dependant and will break. Otherwise, it’s pretty functional. Some Reaction controlled things need to be redone using Expression controller, though, to make it faster.