Welcome to animation crapoland!

Mood of the week:
“I should rename this blog, Welcome to Animation Crapoland”

Everything is going wrong again. I am on the verge of giving up animation but I still think that I have an eye for animation and it is only the beginning of my training. The full training is 18 month so the way it is, it looks like I will only to be able to animate at the end of class4. That really sucks, I was hoping to get a job in animation by septembre which is a very important deadline for me, but so far I have nothing to put on my showreel except the boucing ball assignment and the Stu poses. Forget about holidays, this is gonna be animation in my bedroom for the entire summer.

This is my refined “jump on box” assignment. The first one has nothing to do with what Robert asked for and the second one is the real assignment. As you can see, the first one is actually more polished than the second one but well…. animation mental block, this is what it is called.

Jordi’s game if coming out soon, go and check why I get depressed when I see other people’s work. The fight sequences are keyframed, no mocap. Heavenly Sword. Yes Seb, that’s the game we saw at the Autodesk 3december event.

Robert just sent me an email asking why I didn’t put my video ref for next week’s assignment….the pressure in on again….

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