Few Stu poses I worked on this week and Class 01 WIP showreel
Here is my Class 01 Showreel in the following state:
1. Perspective walk cycle, not done
2. Personality walk (sneak walk), the Heel shouldn’t make contact
3. Vanilla walk…. still a big concern
4. Taylor, problem with hoockup between first jump and second, tail animation to be redone from scratch
5. Pendulum, needs more hangtime and a slower settle
6. Obstacle course, I am pretty pleased with it but might have to remove one frame towards the end of the animation
7. 2 balls of different weight, the heavy one needs one more bounce
8. boucing ball. Well, with the Obstacle course, those 2 animations are the only ones I am happy with…. can I make a career out of making balls boucing? not too sure about that 🙂
Animation Mentor is an amazing school but you need to make sure you are gonna be able to fully commit before you start or you might end up wasting your time and a lot of money!!
Yes it is online but it is still a very intensive course and with one assignement every week, only 2 breaks during the year, you’d better make sure that you won’t have any financial, personal, physical issues.
I started to suffer from CTS towards the end of Class 01 and had to take a break from animation when all my fellow classmates where having fun doing Walk cycles. Luckily I had some very good grades at the begining and managed to get to Class 02.
Stu pose : exhausted
Stu pose: Balance
Hey Man. 😀 Just saw your AM class 1 stuff. Looks really good. Great poses and awesome examples of animation principles. 😀 Good luck, I’m looking forward seeing more stuff from you. 🙂